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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#13,021 Summoner Icon ElFerreDeLepe 24 25
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,022 Summoner Icon DJ SIGMA 71 66
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,024 Summoner Icon hcon420 75 84
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP Janna
#13,025 Summoner Icon Sit e pall mej 44 30
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP Irelia
#13,026 Summoner Icon TheDawidest 34 43
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,027 Summoner Icon djerun1994 31 35
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,030 Summoner Icon Push Your Limits 91 94
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP Nautilus
#13,031 Summoner Icon Unlucky Manni 24 19
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,032 Summoner Icon Don Camo 41 33
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,033 Summoner Icon Brian The Dog 10 8
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP Blitzcrank
#13,034 Summoner Icon GappedEzz 22 13
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,036 Summoner Icon Tresh Trash 26 33
52 LP
Oro IV
52 LP Thresh Morgana Soraka Gangplank Shaco
#13,037 Summoner Icon dequeismoraro 48 43
59 LP
Oro IV
59 LP
#13,039 Summoner Icon GnowGnow 26 15
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP
#13,040 Summoner Icon Bas92saM 67 52
8 LP
Platino IV
8 LP Yone Mel Sylas Veigar
#13,041 Summoner Icon olasa 21 22
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP
#13,042 Summoner Icon Tommy Lipicka 59 53
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP
#13,043 Summoner Icon Zombieeen 28 25
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP
#13,045 Summoner Icon OnkelDolf 19 12
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP
#13,046 Summoner Icon Ploucky 11 5
58 LP
Oro IV
58 LP