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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#117,681 Summoner Icon SyrouZZ 53 52
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Xerath
#117,682 Summoner Icon JoseCRuiz7 7 3
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,686 Summoner Icon Optisoins 81 68
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Nunu e Willump Galio Lux Yorick Maokai
#117,687 Summoner Icon YONKÔ Shinji 118 116
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,689 Summoner Icon WumbaxD 18 8
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,690 Summoner Icon hide on kr 13 17
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,693 Summoner Icon MeAndNoMore 41 24
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Karma
#117,695 Summoner Icon The Ankertaker 61 53
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Shaco
#117,697 Summoner Icon elnoel 11 7
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Karthus
#117,698 Summoner Icon escopeta 5 5
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Yone
#117,700 Summoner Icon GaIanti 41 50
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Blitzcrank
#117,701 Summoner Icon Diras 45 43
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Lillia Syndra
#117,702 Summoner Icon Snes 34 32
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Hecarim
#117,703 Summoner Icon Zenk1 39 59
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,704 Summoner Icon SAT T1 MIKEY 79 65
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Shyvana Ekko
#117,705 Summoner Icon LeSinky 35 25
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Gangplank
#117,706 Summoner Icon Reformed King 9 3
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,707 Summoner Icon TurboDenni 13 16
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP
#117,709 Summoner Icon Galea001 147 126
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP Sylas
#117,712 Summoner Icon Jonii Chan 3 6
5 LP
Argento I
5 LP