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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#11,481 Summoner Icon Mareeel 8 8
62 LP
Smeraldo III
62 LP
#11,482 Summoner Icon Kakuseii 162 162
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,483 Summoner Icon cauterized 70 51
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,484 Summoner Icon Irode 66 65
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,485 Summoner Icon The 25th Bam 42 32
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP Kayn
#11,487 Summoner Icon TwTv Ilyesse 161 149
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,488 Summoner Icon Androssi Zahard 47 43
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP Darius
#11,489 Summoner Icon Alunyx 32 34
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP Ambessa Skarner
#11,490 Summoner Icon Quicksie 70 54
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,491 Summoner Icon Lynnl Cn 62 60
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,492 Summoner Icon Rαbe 73 52
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,493 Summoner Icon Foxxsen 185 179
44 LP
Smeraldo I
44 LP
#11,493 Summoner Icon NEXT BURGER KING 85 70
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,495 Summoner Icon Slamboyyy 104 97
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,496 Summoner Icon Tinelli 115 98
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,497 Summoner Icon stan123 184 183
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,499 Summoner Icon O VayneEvolved O 54 42
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,500 Summoner Icon cyraXdd 122 131
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,501 Summoner Icon Don Ponk 98 102
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#11,502 Summoner Icon like a star 87 76
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP