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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#7,341 Summoner Icon Wound You 15 14
71 LP
Platino IV
71 LP
#7,342 Summoner Icon TheFlawlessCγka 87 85
67 LP
Platino IV
67 LP Darius Volibear Aatrox
#7,343 Summoner Icon Minimihaizer 35 27
21 LP
Smeraldo IV
21 LP Smolder
#7,344 Summoner Icon Dekodor 89 71
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,345 Summoner Icon NierFly 70 68
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,346 Summoner Icon Teemo Crab 34 32
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP Evelynn Shaco
#7,349 Summoner Icon P22YSL4P 31 36
51 LP
Platino IV
51 LP Heimerdinger
#7,350 Summoner Icon Nojinah 41 32
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,351 Summoner Icon repartegalletas1 25 15
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,352 Summoner Icon 3CalTerry 12 13
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,353 Summoner Icon Häyriäinen 40 37
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,354 Summoner Icon Tehmiku 40 47
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,355 Summoner Icon Nexo 71 64
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,356 Summoner Icon Giliacus 27 30
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,357 Summoner Icon Som3when 22 41
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP Zyra Ahri
#7,358 Summoner Icon FINGERPINGER 3 12
70 LP
Platino IV
70 LP
#7,359 Summoner Icon The Arena Lover 14 12
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#7,360 Summoner Icon Junko Enoshima 11 13
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#7,361 Summoner Icon Dunkø 9 7
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP
#7,362 Summoner Icon SerYX 29 34
69 LP
Platino IV
69 LP Gangplank