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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#55,824 Summoner Icon Dwayne S Johnson 58 47
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,825 Summoner Icon NamesROverrated 34 31
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,832 Summoner Icon ProuteDeLicorne 10 11
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,835 Summoner Icon Lilbin 84 77
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,836 Summoner Icon woffwoffdoggies 24 39
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,844 Summoner Icon mosnas 35 34
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,848 Summoner Icon laWeezy 76 99
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,850 Summoner Icon MrBlingBling 127 116
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,851 Summoner Icon beubeuuzz 59 56
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP Yasuo
#55,858 Summoner Icon Awake Koala 14 7
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,863 Summoner Icon TRT Baianinhu 63 76
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,865 Summoner Icon Toblerony 25 43
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,872 Summoner Icon Mushotoku 3 2
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,880 Summoner Icon MakaronPistache 50 51
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,881 Summoner Icon ExQuisse 61 74
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,883 Summoner Icon peeppe 16 10
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#55,888 Summoner Icon Queening 105 113
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP Ahri
#55,890 Summoner Icon vnhjbc 99 101
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#55,892 Summoner Icon SelfBroke 207 212
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#55,899 Summoner Icon Dani The Viking 73 60
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP