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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#5,001 Summoner Icon Taskuu 35 32
7 LP
Platino I
7 LP Jinx
#5,002 Summoner Icon 235tr0 109 115
7 LP
Platino I
7 LP Evelynn
#5,005 Summoner Icon MightyDerp 13 12
6 LP
Platino I
6 LP
#5,006 Summoner Icon I have α dream 9 14
50 LP
Platino I
50 LP Rengar
#5,007 Summoner Icon exa 16 9
6 LP
Platino I
6 LP Lux
#5,008 Summoner Icon Formael 37 18
6 LP
Platino I
6 LP
#5,009 Summoner Icon Hi l Support 9 4
6 LP
Platino I
6 LP
#5,010 Summoner Icon Renekton 58 55
30 LP
Platino II
30 LP
#5,012 Summoner Icon 猪咪一头 6 9
6 LP
Platino I
6 LP
#5,013 Summoner Icon Zyaara 40 36
5 LP
Platino I
5 LP
#5,014 Summoner Icon AnthoZ3r 23 32
5 LP
Platino I
5 LP
#5,015 Summoner Icon KenDeC0 36 37
5 LP
Platino I
5 LP Varus
#5,016 Summoner Icon CHΞИ ZΞИ 9 4
5 LP
Platino I
5 LP
#5,019 Summoner Icon Chqinlight 7 6
5 LP
Platino I
5 LP
#5,020 Summoner Icon MuTpaHguP2 54 37
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP
#5,022 Summoner Icon Zyle1337 3 8
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP
#5,024 Summoner Icon Kanoh 29 17
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP
#5,025 Summoner Icon SansHeavenGuy 29 31
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP
#5,026 Summoner Icon Aevir 49 63
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP Yasuo Jhin
#5,027 Summoner Icon Profesional JNG 30 39
4 LP
Platino I
4 LP