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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#422 Summoner Icon Rewound 89 76
495 LP
Gran Maestro I
495 LP Viego
#423 Summoner Icon hula hoop abuser 144 118
158 LP
Master I
158 LP
#424 Summoner Icon Not QuiteMyTempo 121 97
883 LP
Gran Maestro I
883 LP
#426 Summoner Icon Vistaro 146 137
448 LP
Master I
448 LP Malzahar Syndra
#428 Summoner Icon tyberzen 281 278
244 LP
Master I
244 LP
#429 Summoner Icon Courage to die 114 85
926 LP
Challenger I
926 LP Nautilus Rell Poppy
#430 Summoner Icon SIXTY5 119 119
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#431 Summoner Icon Boundless 276 286
11 LP
Master I
11 LP Kalista Varus
#432 Summoner Icon mwo 143 129
680 LP
Gran Maestro I
680 LP Diana
#433 Summoner Icon Baker 54 43
480 LP
Gran Maestro I
480 LP
#434 Summoner Icon lyncas mad kid 209 144
1842 LP
Challenger I
1842 LP Jarvan IV Lillia Gwen Vi Pantheon
#435 Summoner Icon M8 Thanos 169 145
1264 LP
Challenger I
1264 LP K'Sante Rumble Aatrox Volibear Kai'Sa
#437 Summoner Icon QuGee 304 299
529 LP
Master I
529 LP Sett
#438 Summoner Icon proving a point 70 58
474 LP
Gran Maestro I
474 LP Sivir Corki
#439 Summoner Icon Black Sabbath 68 51
470 LP
Gran Maestro I
470 LP Draven
#440 Summoner Icon AIba Madalyon 48 34
469 LP
Gran Maestro I
469 LP
#441 Summoner Icon Rilski 154 133
1015 LP
Challenger I
1015 LP Karma
#442 Summoner Icon Shiny Snorlax 165 130
790 LP
Gran Maestro I
790 LP Ezreal Nautilus Thresh
#444 Summoner Icon Clover 237 248
96 LP
Master I
96 LP Swain
#447 Summoner Icon nickname ptaku 48 35
459 LP
Gran Maestro I
459 LP Thresh Rakan