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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#37,284 Summoner Icon Imjustacoolguy 20 28
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,286 Summoner Icon the disere king 11 29
0 LP
Ferro IV
0 LP
#37,287 Summoner Icon herosman58 34 42
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,289 Summoner Icon Gimeno 34 35
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,291 Summoner Icon Atomikko 13 17
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,292 Summoner Icon notultraenigma 3 9
18 LP
Ferro IV
18 LP
#37,294 Summoner Icon xokoth 2 4
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,295 Summoner Icon Hugo21 37 44
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP Twisted Fate
#37,296 Summoner Icon theZNBoy 94 99
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,300 Summoner Icon Silcopata 2 5
61 LP
Ferro IV
61 LP
#37,302 Summoner Icon el titiritero 5 7
60 LP
Ferro IV
60 LP
#37,303 Summoner Icon Flixow 1 4
60 LP
Ferro IV
60 LP
#37,306 Summoner Icon LilithMoon 5 8
60 LP
Ferro IV
60 LP Seraphine
#37,308 Summoner Icon nickiller99 7 8
60 LP
Ferro IV
60 LP
#37,313 Summoner Icon Potatisbulle 6 8
60 LP
Ferro IV
60 LP
#37,315 Summoner Icon Tajeta Sataria 30 31
59 LP
Ferro IV
59 LP Smolder
#37,317 Summoner Icon Alexis 28 33
59 LP
Ferro IV
59 LP
#37,322 Summoner Icon Ptitmønstretg 43 56
59 LP
Ferro IV
59 LP Malzahar
#37,324 Summoner Icon ARvoids 18 21
59 LP
Ferro IV
59 LP
#37,325 Summoner Icon unlucky1RNG 1 5
59 LP
Ferro IV
59 LP