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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#34,502 Summoner Icon Fazerax 15 8
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,506 Summoner Icon Sandaloh 1 5
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,507 Summoner Icon Amenakte 127 126
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Jhin
#34,508 Summoner Icon AzEndlessXG 119 115
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,511 Summoner Icon Sergaypoke 3 4
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,512 Summoner Icon lelouchis 23 15
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Milio Rakan
#34,513 Summoner Icon Demorphy 33 36
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,517 Summoner Icon ADChier Kurai 16 21
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Vex
#34,519 Summoner Icon Äraka 28 25
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,522 Summoner Icon SZYBKI ZACIEKLY 13 6
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Rumble
#34,528 Summoner Icon lukasimus15 31 25
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,529 Summoner Icon Tworoly 39 26
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Riven Jax
#34,531 Summoner Icon Gold Poseidon 244 260
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Ziggs Miss Fortune
#34,532 Summoner Icon Toni D Hatz 3 6
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Caitlyn
#34,533 Summoner Icon Ray Chiri 76 77
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,535 Summoner Icon aMDominican 142 116
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,537 Summoner Icon Gafitas Mcfly 107 98
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Ahri Galio Caitlyn Jinx
#34,538 Summoner Icon GrizzIy 6 3
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP
#34,539 Summoner Icon Santlago 62 37
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP Kalista
#34,542 Summoner Icon league of len 42 37
37 LP
Platino III
37 LP