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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#27,461 Summoner Icon BsY l Kettlebell 21 20
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,462 Summoner Icon Kååsen 1 7
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,463 Summoner Icon Mathsu12 52 46
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,464 Summoner Icon vijo676 35 25
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Nocturne Caitlyn
#27,464 Summoner Icon xuinnsKpS 105 91
0 LP
Smeraldo IV
0 LP
#27,465 Summoner Icon Ehlekar 21 10
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,466 Summoner Icon Alphand 29 30
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,467 Summoner Icon GanzaIf 24 23
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,468 Summoner Icon NecrØphiliåc 114 107
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Thresh
#27,469 Summoner Icon xKeyLogs 63 68
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Veigar
#27,471 Summoner Icon JukerDean 30 21
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,472 Summoner Icon Charlie Monclerr 220 204
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Camille
#27,473 Summoner Icon W on the way 66 58
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Aatrox
#27,475 Summoner Icon fakegamer 5 3
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,476 Summoner Icon ReaIBoxi 28 27
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,477 Summoner Icon GEL1550 81 93
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Ornn
#27,478 Summoner Icon EliteTypeZ 2 4
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP Garen
#27,479 Summoner Icon Rachel Zane 5 14
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,480 Summoner Icon Ærox 149 160
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP
#27,481 Summoner Icon SuperDamien 8 12
8 LP
Platino I
8 LP