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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#2,241 Summoner Icon LaisMax v2 60 62
88 LP
Master I
88 LP Maokai
#2,242 Summoner Icon Wtaru 18 11
14 LP
Diamante I
14 LP
#2,244 Summoner Icon Yceynesheo 43 35
14 LP
Diamante I
14 LP Zed Talon
#2,245 Summoner Icon Pamplow 77 102
96 LP
Diamante III
96 LP
#2,246 Summoner Icon Shadοw 137 131
13 LP
Diamante I
13 LP Jinx Ezreal
#2,248 Summoner Icon REFORMED ANDER 18 15
13 LP
Diamante I
13 LP
#2,249 Summoner Icon Alterac 69 89
95 LP
Diamante III
95 LP
#2,250 Summoner Icon Kadeem 29 21
13 LP
Diamante I
13 LP
#2,251 Summoner Icon Ouroboros 39 32
13 LP
Diamante I
13 LP
#2,252 Summoner Icon BannedFromChess 80 93
13 LP
Diamante I
13 LP Galio Talon
#2,253 Summoner Icon buff thresh 93 109
12 LP
Diamante I
12 LP
#2,254 Summoner Icon taco genius 81 86
82 LP
Master I
82 LP
#2,256 Summoner Icon Elonomics 49 58
12 LP
Diamante I
12 LP Nautilus
#2,257 Summoner Icon Pagrandukas48 76 74
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP
#2,258 Summoner Icon 985 211 24 22
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP
#2,259 Summoner Icon Lopimaterkus 73 64
0 LP
Master I
0 LP
#2,260 Summoner Icon Norboda 72 35
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP
#2,261 Summoner Icon Kill The King 70 43
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP Ambessa Darius
#2,262 Summoner Icon Creb 46 55
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP Graves
#2,263 Summoner Icon Vincent 56 55
11 LP
Diamante I
11 LP