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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#20,962 Summoner Icon AlfaBetaOmega96 18 16
37 LP
Argento IV
37 LP
#20,963 Summoner Icon Krakn1 12 17
37 LP
Argento IV
37 LP
#20,965 Summoner Icon Bong012 8 7
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP
#20,968 Summoner Icon KuroYaiba 26 30
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP Darius
#20,969 Summoner Icon Temu Gumayusi 59 59
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP Vi Draven Kog'Maw
#20,970 Summoner Icon FNC 4LX 27 16
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP
#20,971 Summoner Icon Djez Bro 2 46 28
20 LP
Platino III
20 LP Lulu
#20,973 Summoner Icon SoGay 25 3
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP
#20,974 Summoner Icon BySaturno0 66 62
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP Maokai
#20,975 Summoner Icon Janna 2025 17 7
38 LP
Argento III
38 LP
#20,976 Summoner Icon THE MIND HUNTER 39 49
97 LP
Bronzo I
97 LP
#20,980 Summoner Icon Muggek 60 81
75 LP
Bronzo I
75 LP
#20,981 Summoner Icon xGachiBassx 30 24
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP Soraka Xerath
#20,983 Summoner Icon Cpt Larry 4 2
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#20,984 Summoner Icon SuppEveryLanes 10 10
59 LP
Argento III
59 LP
#20,985 Summoner Icon Janna Montana惃 46 71
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP Sona Karma
#20,987 Summoner Icon Tonetone 24 22
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#20,988 Summoner Icon izYam 65 66
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP
#20,989 Summoner Icon MewMewMan 21 19
58 LP
Argento IV
58 LP Jinx Ezreal Kai'Sa
#20,990 Summoner Icon 3arbi like wario 17 18
35 LP
Argento IV
35 LP