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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#203,741 Summoner Icon MIÐHight 64 61
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,742 Summoner Icon NoZe 10 18
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,743 Summoner Icon XQL 9 13
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,745 Summoner Icon findk 188 177
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,746 Summoner Icon THE BOUSSS 8 4
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,747 Summoner Icon stablestar 13 7
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,749 Summoner Icon Handler 01 2 4
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,755 Summoner Icon CW Kuzco 2 4
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,759 Summoner Icon RIP 6 2
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,761 Summoner Icon Chancladecombate 56 55
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,762 Summoner Icon Aqmovìa 6 9
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,763 Summoner Icon Lutten1 44 51
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,765 Summoner Icon Overlord Rakan 60 65
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,767 Summoner Icon DragonNoir2507 244 237
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,768 Summoner Icon akim 32 33
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,771 Summoner Icon wylly13 176 158
57 LP
Argento II
57 LP
#203,772 Summoner Icon Mairou 67 72
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,773 Summoner Icon jQrglort 30 44
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,775 Summoner Icon Ilyaxin 62 69
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP
#203,776 Summoner Icon GULTEKİNN 8 12
9 LP
Argento IV
9 LP