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Classifiche Europa Ovest

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#201,542 Summoner Icon Hysteriaa12 90 82
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP Irelia
#201,545 Summoner Icon Yukii004 8 3
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,548 Summoner Icon Xavier Tolano 65 56
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP Twitch
#201,549 Summoner Icon Train To Brazil 9 10
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,554 Summoner Icon ΛVΛYDY 13 15
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,555 Summoner Icon GABZ8000 94 110
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,564 Summoner Icon itwastheonlyname 90 101
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP Senna
#201,567 Summoner Icon DON ORNMAR 4 2
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,569 Summoner Icon shac0s 45 47
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,570 Summoner Icon Willi will pissn 8 9
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,572 Summoner Icon Hukas1998 4 2
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,573 Summoner Icon Helmut Horst 35 34
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP Vayne
#201,575 Summoner Icon Prepareforbattle 44 44
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,580 Summoner Icon FScheyder 60 48
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP Thresh
#201,584 Summoner Icon CACTUS LE PIKANT 9 8
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,590 Summoner Icon Yung Pupsi 19 22
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,592 Summoner Icon Elmarchero 67 83
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,600 Summoner Icon deepweeb201 14 15
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,602 Summoner Icon Freezzzeer 28 37
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP
#201,604 Summoner Icon SpargelGraf 21 25
20 LP
Argento IV
20 LP