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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#159,342 Summoner Icon Salted Carbon 27 27
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,343 Summoner Icon to je Ánus 41 40
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP Lulu
#159,344 Summoner Icon tomx85 48 51
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,345 Summoner Icon Faze Lix 3 4
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,346 Summoner Icon BuffLeblancTy 20 21
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,350 Summoner Icon 123455domi 5 3
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,351 Summoner Icon H å v v a n a 24 27
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,352 Summoner Icon IVRZ MULTIpla 3 10
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,353 Summoner Icon sudaxoN 12 17
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,354 Summoner Icon Th3Crab 199 204
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,356 Summoner Icon Uchiha Oblito 140 120
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,358 Summoner Icon Niezniszczalny D 26 37
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,359 Summoner Icon Reaperino1543 2 7
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,360 Summoner Icon ObiWanCanBloweMe 16 20
28 LP
Argento IV
28 LP
#159,363 Summoner Icon Slayer Alysya 103 113
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,364 Summoner Icon Mazub 13 18
37 LP
Bronzo IV
37 LP
#159,365 Summoner Icon 블랙필렌조이어 16 12
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,367 Summoner Icon uchipo mate 77 60
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,368 Summoner Icon Gonzalo Higuain 1 5
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP
#159,370 Summoner Icon SlapMachine 20 16
50 LP
Argento IV
50 LP