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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#157,461 Summoner Icon Hodor 29 32
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,462 Summoner Icon kingsento 1 5
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,465 Summoner Icon No Fun League 86 72
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,466 Summoner Icon the 6ix 74 83
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP Ahri
#157,467 Summoner Icon 2Girls1Baron 3 3
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,469 Summoner Icon WikoĊ› 5 9
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,470 Summoner Icon SeeYouLook 83 84
42 LP
Argento I
42 LP Pyke Leona
#157,471 Summoner Icon Elttu 245 234
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,474 Summoner Icon BILBO BAGGINS 25 11
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,475 Summoner Icon BloodyPaladin 9 16
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,476 Summoner Icon Empiro 15 18
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,477 Summoner Icon Szantip 5 2
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,478 Summoner Icon Hhizi 56 65
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,479 Summoner Icon qczkwsky 49 55
61 LP
Argento IV
61 LP
#157,480 Summoner Icon PawLas1801 21 13
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP
#157,481 Summoner Icon Lord Vermilion 7 6
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP Jhin
#157,482 Summoner Icon Nyagec 6 3
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP
#157,483 Summoner Icon ogduck21 68 68
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP
#157,484 Summoner Icon Backfire 33 37
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP
#157,485 Summoner Icon KirbyTheSlayer 118 120
60 LP
Argento IV
60 LP