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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#1,561 Summoner Icon SoftMar 22 23
60 LP
Diamante I
60 LP Yuumi
#1,562 Summoner Icon Ness The Cat 60 54
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Elise
#1,563 Summoner Icon RafHero 28 23
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,564 Summoner Icon Secret Jesus 70 78
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,565 Summoner Icon DΘUBLELIFT 29 28
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,566 Summoner Icon Manieka 60 49
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,568 Summoner Icon coolaidmonkey4 35 30
75 LP
Diamante II
75 LP
#1,569 Summoner Icon Tea18 121 88
19 LP
Diamante I
19 LP
#1,570 Summoner Icon mentally drained 48 57
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,571 Summoner Icon yoongo 26 26
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,572 Summoner Icon Waardell 29 23
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#1,573 Summoner Icon JustClaydex 339 331
13 LP
Diamante II
13 LP Lucian Draven Corki Jhin Jinx
#1,574 Summoner Icon KINGOFNOTHING 52 34
74 LP
Diamante I
74 LP
#1,575 Summoner Icon Olszá 31 26
60 LP
Master I
60 LP Nocturne
#1,576 Summoner Icon Sttieqild 27 33
73 LP
Diamante I
73 LP
#1,577 Summoner Icon FirstTiméJAX 55 65
122 LP
Master I
122 LP Sylas Tristana Viego Kha'Zix Kai'Sa
#1,578 Summoner Icon Skaketaz 17 10
73 LP
Diamante I
73 LP
#1,579 Summoner Icon MEFlSTO 52 52
74 LP
Diamante I
74 LP
#1,580 Summoner Icon Clean 23 28
71 LP
Diamante I
71 LP Irelia
#1,582 Summoner Icon Mitsuki Miyawaki 80 88
60 LP
Diamante III
60 LP