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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#150,941 Summoner Icon VărulCioc 6 5
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,943 Summoner Icon VanillaCat 9 9
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,945 Summoner Icon NastyDar 84 75
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,947 Summoner Icon MasnyGoryl 2 4
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,949 Summoner Icon Br4niac21 11 10
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,950 Summoner Icon brunekEYYY 3 2
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,951 Summoner Icon KaiserZehir 9 11
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,953 Summoner Icon gampos 4 4
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,954 Summoner Icon Skazra 72 78
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,955 Summoner Icon Slanina sa Jaja 22 26
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,956 Summoner Icon Kick the King 57 67
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,957 Summoner Icon W0me3nEAt3r 9 4
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,958 Summoner Icon Sobe05 48 47
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,959 Summoner Icon The Wojtal 10 11
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,960 Summoner Icon Șuștic 38 32
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP Caitlyn
#150,961 Summoner Icon FlameQPL 3 2
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,962 Summoner Icon My SunShine 69 53
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,963 Summoner Icon dzefrez2 25 25
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#150,964 Summoner Icon arkeL 58 66
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP Qiyana Rakan
#150,965 Summoner Icon Drage Crni 56 57
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP Ziggs