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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#11,961 Summoner Icon 20jules06 25 22
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,963 Summoner Icon alkocholik 37 34
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,964 Summoner Icon lnsectitu Azul 3 2
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,965 Summoner Icon MakiRoll 109 116
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,966 Summoner Icon TwitchDr4gonek 3 2
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,966 Summoner Icon Gachë 114 110
48 LP
Smeraldo IV
48 LP Smolder
#11,968 Summoner Icon birdy fellow 2 5
2 LP
Smeraldo IV
2 LP
#11,969 Summoner Icon Lucasic 18 16
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,970 Summoner Icon Szekbence 128 140
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,971 Summoner Icon GUTS The First 24 20
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,972 Summoner Icon Syndrom 166 162
49 LP
Diamante IV
49 LP
#11,973 Summoner Icon topzi 36 45
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,976 Summoner Icon Captain Koukku 50 43
6 LP
Diamante IV
6 LP
#11,977 Summoner Icon Houbyen 23 28
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,979 Summoner Icon Goblinaxer 52 42
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,982 Summoner Icon Krimco 58 71
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,983 Summoner Icon Gigat 50 51
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,985 Summoner Icon Sodi 93 86
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,987 Summoner Icon BrawlySnook 15 18
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP
#11,988 Summoner Icon BIue 43 54
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP