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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#11,901 Summoner Icon pukam glavi 5 9
68 LP
Platino IV
68 LP
#11,902 Summoner Icon Mεlαncholy 76 68
66 LP
Platino III
66 LP
#11,903 Summoner Icon kufiati 36 36
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP Caitlyn
#11,904 Summoner Icon Tarzi 35 36
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,905 Summoner Icon michatfo 12 13
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,906 Summoner Icon jirav 3 4
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,907 Summoner Icon Venca82 3 4
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,908 Summoner Icon KlapekJudasza 41 42
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,909 Summoner Icon WYLIE 15 14
0 LP
Smeraldo IV
0 LP Alistar Tryndamere
#11,910 Summoner Icon LagiSąWśródNas 13 14
31 LP
Platino III
31 LP Dr. Mundo
#11,911 Summoner Icon DarkMageboom 27 42
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,913 Summoner Icon PykCyk 15 18
36 LP
Platino III
36 LP
#11,914 Summoner Icon Ciamajda 7 1
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP Cho'Gath
#11,915 Summoner Icon 503 546 464 4 6
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,916 Summoner Icon Surprising Panda 3 4
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,917 Summoner Icon SNIP3R2015 2 8
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP Malphite
#11,918 Summoner Icon Barni2050 48 53
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,919 Summoner Icon Iswearshewas18lv 31 23
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,920 Summoner Icon cakenuggets 3 4
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP
#11,921 Summoner Icon Velki the Pr 16 21
66 LP
Platino IV
66 LP Kha'Zix