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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#90,782 Summoner Icon Andrei Ambreaj 36 34
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Tahm Kench Tryndamere Yone Teemo
#90,783 Summoner Icon phooobiaa 55 65
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,784 Summoner Icon ByczyBuc 104 99
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Taric
#90,785 Summoner Icon KaamPaan 60 77
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Kayle Kindred Jinx Kog'Maw
#90,786 Summoner Icon DSMeister 11 12
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,787 Summoner Icon The Gilbert 54 39
23 LP
Argento II
23 LP
#90,788 Summoner Icon Stazo Tren 70 71
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Cho'Gath
#90,789 Summoner Icon pink ward 2 13 8
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,791 Summoner Icon Kill him first 8 7
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Yuumi
#90,792 Summoner Icon Rahaircu 16 12
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Twitch Master Yi Lee Sin
#90,793 Summoner Icon SibidiGyat 27 30
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,795 Summoner Icon PutyinOnTheBoard 4 4
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,796 Summoner Icon Hypersphere 6 3
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,797 Summoner Icon maxten 25 21
19 LP
Argento II
19 LP Sett
#90,798 Summoner Icon Rodyceeek 6 3
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,804 Summoner Icon cavabasyl 46 44
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,805 Summoner Icon Bobánek 22 26
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Morgana
#90,808 Summoner Icon kompanosik 3 3
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP
#90,809 Summoner Icon Kajtusiek 99 74
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Veigar
#90,810 Summoner Icon Baecon 19 23
67 LP
Argento IV
67 LP Leona