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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#561 Summoner Icon MeEnvenena 84 74
182 LP
Master I
182 LP Udyr
#562 Summoner Icon KT Cuzz 108 89
179 LP
Master I
179 LP Sejuani Jarvan IV
#563 Summoner Icon Lover of Blondes 75 76
151 LP
Master I
151 LP Katarina
#564 Summoner Icon Laser 175 180
176 LP
Master I
176 LP Kled
#565 Summoner Icon Tome128 182 169
551 LP
Gran Maestro I
551 LP Aatrox
#566 Summoner Icon Luigi Mangione 40 32
178 LP
Master I
178 LP Samira
#567 Summoner Icon schabikowy 184 177
525 LP
Gran Maestro I
525 LP Ambessa Syndra Karma Galio
#569 Summoner Icon terrorysta 136 118
176 LP
Master I
176 LP
#570 Summoner Icon Random 80 80
176 LP
Master I
176 LP Twitch Amumu
#571 Summoner Icon papitsa 56 39
378 LP
Master I
378 LP Lissandra
#572 Summoner Icon Řezaný kozel 56 43
175 LP
Master I
175 LP
#573 Summoner Icon Yoυng kreto 66 46
285 LP
Master I
285 LP
#575 Summoner Icon MANOS O FASARIAS 106 96
465 LP
Gran Maestro I
465 LP Caitlyn Ezreal
#577 Summoner Icon French Jungler 55 54
174 LP
Master I
174 LP Darius
#578 Summoner Icon Ζzyzx 170 164
330 LP
Master I
330 LP Draven Kalista
#580 Summoner Icon Rizz Enjoyer 40 32
174 LP
Master I
174 LP
#581 Summoner Icon ultra szefik pl 133 112
174 LP
Master I
174 LP Twitch Lillia
#582 Summoner Icon Kubuś GG Nya 47 40
233 LP
Master I
233 LP Thresh Lulu Nautilus Renata Glasc Poppy
#583 Summoner Icon Qeu 45 34
174 LP
Master I
174 LP Lucian
#584 Summoner Icon TopMain999 119 72
173 LP
Master I
173 LP Yasuo