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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#43,461 Summoner Icon Catadf 70 56
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,462 Summoner Icon ciota123pl 58 59
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP Ambessa
#43,464 Summoner Icon SkyWall 36 48
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,466 Summoner Icon ROBOLA 46 40
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,467 Summoner Icon peca335 41 32
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,468 Summoner Icon xBilutzza 18 26
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP Master Yi
#43,471 Summoner Icon Katoteshi 53 67
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,478 Summoner Icon Ohad 65 46
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,480 Summoner Icon stinky robot 7 6
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,481 Summoner Icon AgeRoNiN 26 17
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,482 Summoner Icon MAZ1 128 96
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,483 Summoner Icon eryku1234 13 9
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,484 Summoner Icon Ritto Be Strong 109 94
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP Veigar
#43,487 Summoner Icon sQładaQ 15 11
64 LP
Platino IV
64 LP
#43,494 Summoner Icon Tomisek123 32 27
63 LP
Platino IV
63 LP
#43,495 Summoner Icon ΤΡΙΚΟΥΛΟ 62 53
63 LP
Platino IV
63 LP
#43,505 Summoner Icon Hide on Jungle V 23 27
63 LP
Platino IV
63 LP
#43,507 Summoner Icon Hαymakerr 84 71
63 LP
Platino IV
63 LP
#43,509 Summoner Icon Mantre 24 21
63 LP
Platino IV
63 LP Nunu e Willump
#43,511 Summoner Icon 0nly Zilean 155 136
49 LP
Platino IV
49 LP