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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#41,543 Summoner Icon The Voidreaver 41 26
80 LP
Platino IV
80 LP Xin Zhao
#41,544 Summoner Icon jimlollin10 50 57
80 LP
Platino IV
80 LP
#41,546 Summoner Icon SergejJP 27 31
80 LP
Platino IV
80 LP
#41,551 Summoner Icon AlwaySimple 120 119
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,552 Summoner Icon Big papao 89 78
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,557 Summoner Icon killer87k 12 9
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,559 Summoner Icon Bestialski 9 6
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,562 Summoner Icon NB003 170 161
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP Poppy
#41,565 Summoner Icon vesox 22 15
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,567 Summoner Icon 2 axes spinning 75 94
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,568 Summoner Icon PatelniaStasi 36 23
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,570 Summoner Icon Achilis 6 8
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,571 Summoner Icon SfaxtisKaridas 27 25
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,574 Summoner Icon Rank 1 LeeSin 32 36
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,579 Summoner Icon Oasis20 9 10
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP Olaf Blitzcrank
#41,580 Summoner Icon NuubLet 185 180
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,581 Summoner Icon lilbarni18 9 8
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,586 Summoner Icon wendaty 101 96
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#41,591 Summoner Icon Hawksden 58 58
35 LP
Oro I
35 LP
#41,593 Summoner Icon REP MY SUPP 46 26
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP