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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#40,481 Summoner Icon påntagruel 11 9
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,482 Summoner Icon NightFall11 20 17
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,483 Summoner Icon nissan micra 3 2
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,485 Summoner Icon frakman 6 6
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,486 Summoner Icon scyth 55 41
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,487 Summoner Icon Matouš Lee sin 21 33
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,488 Summoner Icon i am pro and i k 68 61
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,489 Summoner Icon doge on duty 107 89
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,492 Summoner Icon Taurus77 75 77
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,493 Summoner Icon Athea 50 54
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,494 Summoner Icon Zereco 35 30
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,495 Summoner Icon NISSAN NOTE 2011 17 22
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP Kayle
#40,496 Summoner Icon Rydzyk W Maybach 7 6
50 LP
Platino III
50 LP
#40,498 Summoner Icon tagof 13 7
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP
#40,501 Summoner Icon DON szefiton 5 5
89 LP
Platino IV
89 LP Lee Sin
#40,502 Summoner Icon G O Α T 44 49
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#40,503 Summoner Icon Toxic Lee Sin 17 19
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#40,504 Summoner Icon FanMrMan 133 122
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#40,505 Summoner Icon 260kgdeadlift 65 79
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP
#40,507 Summoner Icon Liwczur 40 39
88 LP
Platino IV
88 LP