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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#40,381 Summoner Icon CvelfaBooi 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,382 Summoner Icon deadlift2easy 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,383 Summoner Icon Espresso 3 4
66 LP
Argento IV
66 LP
#40,384 Summoner Icon eukaliptus423 34 38
96 LP
Argento IV
96 LP
#40,385 Summoner Icon VICE 56 62
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,386 Summoner Icon IvanceMladoMomce 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,387 Summoner Icon nerfjunglexp 35 37
36 LP
Argento IV
36 LP Darius
#40,388 Summoner Icon MyślicielXD 25 36
62 LP
Argento III
62 LP Gnar
#40,389 Summoner Icon DianaB 34 26
4 LP
Argento IV
4 LP
#40,390 Summoner Icon IridiumFlare 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,391 Summoner Icon Visual 8 23
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,392 Summoner Icon L4MONSTRUMLODÓWY 3 5
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,393 Summoner Icon 50shadesOFpepper 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,394 Summoner Icon Rosolino 2 4
28 LP
Argento IV
28 LP Nautilus Veigar
#40,395 Summoner Icon Carry for Beer 72 80
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP
#40,396 Summoner Icon SilverDøll 7 12
99 LP
Argento IV
99 LP Caitlyn
#40,397 Summoner Icon Barbara1Bobak 4 7
68 LP
Argento IV
68 LP
#40,399 Summoner Icon Drew The God 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP Rengar
#40,402 Summoner Icon DRVAPOR 140 128
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP Heimerdinger
#40,403 Summoner Icon TheVoidDeath 2 3
40 LP
Argento IV
40 LP