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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#39,741 Summoner Icon szlphy 35 26
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,742 Summoner Icon The Greek Freak 40 44
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP Vladimir
#39,743 Summoner Icon Kevinroll 40 45
0 LP
Argento IV
0 LP
#39,744 Summoner Icon cptshinzeh 36 42
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP Darius
#39,745 Summoner Icon Hattshynal 41 43
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP Kayle Renekton
#39,746 Summoner Icon Natuuuulek 21 20
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,747 Summoner Icon DarekEleven 21 24
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,748 Summoner Icon Zzizo2 31 33
79 LP
Argento IV
79 LP Dr. Mundo Darius
#39,749 Summoner Icon tseos 8 5
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,750 Summoner Icon FaZeK4JA 22 23
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,751 Summoner Icon Atopya 17 13
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP Ezreal
#39,753 Summoner Icon slynek 16 14
24 LP
Argento III
24 LP
#39,754 Summoner Icon Pethrick 6 13
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,755 Summoner Icon MAhwasa 15 8
78 LP
Argento IV
78 LP Caitlyn Ahri Lillia
#39,756 Summoner Icon Atomic avalanche 8 5
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,757 Summoner Icon Malefactor 23 17
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,759 Summoner Icon AlexTlv 12 1
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP Kayle
#39,760 Summoner Icon zjaranyscamer 43 49
55 LP
Argento IV
55 LP
#39,763 Summoner Icon zagreusz 3 5
54 LP
Argento IV
54 LP
#39,764 Summoner Icon LORDNATAN 54 50
19 LP
Argento III
19 LP