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Classifiche Europa Nord & Est

Rank Evocatore Vittorie Sconfitte Grado / Divisione Punti Campioni
#22,545 Summoner Icon Džejvos 42 38
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,546 Summoner Icon P HuB Admin 37 23
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,547 Summoner Icon Géčko 29 23
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,548 Summoner Icon Velrath 90 109
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,551 Summoner Icon more crack 25 15
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,553 Summoner Icon Kimimaro7 20 19
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,554 Summoner Icon The Night Hunter 45 60
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,557 Summoner Icon The xeqTr 50 37
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,561 Summoner Icon GALIOS per DUZIK 50 64
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,564 Summoner Icon DarkinBlade 46 39
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP Aatrox
#22,567 Summoner Icon Zbizus 22 21
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,569 Summoner Icon ΚλαNilah 55 55
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,570 Summoner Icon GxzociągBirxnau 15 14
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP Miss Fortune Veigar
#22,572 Summoner Icon UrMyPr3y 21 21
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,574 Summoner Icon Diler Rzeżuchy 13 9
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP LeBlanc
#22,575 Summoner Icon Zed is Dead Baby 3 3
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,576 Summoner Icon CookieLifer 6 2
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,577 Summoner Icon Corce 36 39
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP
#22,580 Summoner Icon vithushan129 106 96
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP Sylas
#22,581 Summoner Icon McKamillos 9 3
85 LP
Platino II
85 LP