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Tablas de clasificación Turquía

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#1,824 Summoner Icon TORNADO OF TEROR 19 13
17 LP
Diamante IV
17 LP
#1,826 Summoner Icon praise god 10 7
17 LP
Diamante IV
17 LP
#1,828 Summoner Icon Ricardo Quaresma 7 6
17 LP
Diamante IV
17 LP Diana
#1,829 Summoner Icon hatredd 35 58
17 LP
Diamante IV
17 LP
#1,830 Summoner Icon elIiot alderson 10 2
75 LP
Esmeralda I
75 LP
#1,834 Summoner Icon d0nna 54 47
16 LP
Diamante IV
16 LP
#1,836 Summoner Icon violence 44 63
64 LP
Esmeralda II
64 LP
#1,837 Summoner Icon waoee 7 8
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP
#1,838 Summoner Icon Thomas Shelby 10 7
15 LP
Diamante IV
15 LP
#1,842 Summoner Icon neesin 30 20
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#1,843 Summoner Icon BBaSON 14 24
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#1,844 Summoner Icon Irdorath 45 43
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#1,845 Summoner Icon Yohanan HaMatbil 60 43
14 LP
Diamante IV
14 LP
#1,847 Summoner Icon Bolulu Avcı Usta 99 78
13 LP
Diamante IV
13 LP Diana
#1,849 Summoner Icon Furkanki 112 87
12 LP
Diamante IV
12 LP
#1,852 Summoner Icon DDarko 14 8
11 LP
Diamante IV
11 LP Viktor
#1,856 Summoner Icon XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD 10 7
10 LP
Diamante IV
10 LP
#1,857 Summoner Icon Let Me Hook 9 4
10 LP
Diamante IV
10 LP Milio
#1,860 Summoner Icon Nişâncı 18 14
10 LP
Diamante IV
10 LP
#1,866 Summoner Icon ego issues1 7 12
10 LP
Diamante IV
10 LP