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Tablas de clasificación Rusia

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#3,241 Summoner Icon DedusPivus 8 7
19 LP
Plata I
19 LP
#3,242 Summoner Icon Dethfree 80 64
16 LP
Oro II
16 LP Caitlyn Malphite
#3,243 Summoner Icon Zloy Дед 11 8
19 LP
Plata I
19 LP Zilean
#3,244 Summoner Icon Ghost of Storm 53 54
19 LP
Plata I
19 LP Nilah Xayah Leona
#3,245 Summoner Icon Gipitop 5 6
18 LP
Plata I
18 LP
#3,246 Summoner Icon BunnySaysHOME 25 18
18 LP
Plata I
18 LP Aurora Smolder
#3,247 Summoner Icon aomine daiki mod 25 23
18 LP
Plata I
18 LP
#3,249 Summoner Icon YumiWhiteFox 28 18
18 LP
Plata I
18 LP
#3,251 Summoner Icon technoknight 13 13
17 LP
Plata I
17 LP
#3,252 Summoner Icon BlackOnBlonde 24 23
17 LP
Plata I
17 LP
#3,253 Summoner Icon oneAke 9 3
17 LP
Plata I
17 LP
#3,256 Summoner Icon SUCCUB 24 19
54 LP
Oro I
54 LP
#3,257 Summoner Icon еuthanasia 8 0
16 LP
Plata I
16 LP
#3,259 Summoner Icon Krryona 5 7
16 LP
Plata I
16 LP
#3,261 Summoner Icon UnknownBaron 2 5
16 LP
Plata I
16 LP
#3,263 Summoner Icon GROMP 8 7
15 LP
Plata I
15 LP
#3,264 Summoner Icon PADUCT150 13 12
15 LP
Plata I
15 LP
#3,265 Summoner Icon AlayaElsa 30 35
15 LP
Plata I
15 LP
#3,266 Summoner Icon Mihasya 113 116
60 LP
Oro IV
60 LP Sivir
#3,267 Summoner Icon HechHock 18 32
14 LP
Plata I
14 LP