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Tablas de clasificación América Latina Sur

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#12,761 Summoner Icon ElMaduritoHotnes 1 5
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP Nautilus
#12,763 Summoner Icon ZathyR 12 8
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,765 Summoner Icon The Lazy Arg 57 60
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,766 Summoner Icon Colorao 1 5
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP Amumu
#12,767 Summoner Icon Deyroxlk 29 16
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP Wukong
#12,768 Summoner Icon Khan 58 49
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP Caitlyn
#12,769 Summoner Icon G0kuSuperSaiyan 72 63
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,770 Summoner Icon SoiDeLate 21 26
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP Jhin
#12,772 Summoner Icon Tejón 9 6
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,773 Summoner Icon Sanch 1 5
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,775 Summoner Icon TraderCarlos 7 8
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,776 Summoner Icon madacrex 4 7
64 LP
Plata IV
64 LP
#12,777 Summoner Icon Cyarth 6 6
63 LP
Plata IV
63 LP
#12,779 Summoner Icon piduco9311351346 8 4
63 LP
Plata IV
63 LP
#12,780 Summoner Icon Talobre 64 69
63 LP
Plata IV
63 LP
#12,781 Summoner Icon DPREXING 29 32
92 LP
Plata IV
92 LP Tryndamere
#12,782 Summoner Icon Desuxs 28 23
63 LP
Plata IV
63 LP
#12,784 Summoner Icon BlackWargreymon 51 37
63 LP
Plata IV
63 LP
#12,785 Summoner Icon Exa Elise 43 46
18 LP
Plata IV
18 LP
#12,786 Summoner Icon Camilo9998 34 61
79 LP
Bronce II
79 LP Darius Aphelios Caitlyn Malzahar Ziggs