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Tablas de clasificación América Latina Sur

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#12,721 Summoner Icon Melolocon 16 27
67 LP
Plata IV
67 LP
#12,722 Summoner Icon Keenux 19 21
67 LP
Plata IV
67 LP
#12,723 Summoner Icon Scalooh 10 10
67 LP
Plata IV
67 LP
#12,725 Summoner Icon MATHI VCA 11 11
67 LP
Plata IV
67 LP
#12,726 Summoner Icon MeriNHo0 22 36
84 LP
Plata IV
84 LP
#12,728 Summoner Icon GxLorenzoMk 8 22
29 LP
Plata IV
29 LP
#12,729 Summoner Icon Don Carter 89 98
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP Thresh
#12,730 Summoner Icon UnoDoshThresh 4 6
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,731 Summoner Icon TheLastPelao 5 7
6 LP
Plata III
6 LP
#12,732 Summoner Icon Nawel 4 6
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,733 Summoner Icon L4stNight 48 58
61 LP
Bronce I
61 LP
#12,734 Summoner Icon SDNN 7 1
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,735 Summoner Icon JakeCN 81 84
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,736 Summoner Icon Phuture Noize 29 29
41 LP
Plata IV
41 LP
#12,737 Summoner Icon HunterIsilo 3 4
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,738 Summoner Icon Miinerva 24 48
23 LP
Plata IV
23 LP
#12,739 Summoner Icon White of Demon 4 6
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,740 Summoner Icon MrMotoMoto 4 5
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP
#12,741 Summoner Icon Risuning 3 4
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP Gnar
#12,743 Summoner Icon broncedeodo 27 29
66 LP
Plata IV
66 LP