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Tablas de clasificación América Latina Sur

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#7,662 Summoner Icon Oli 13 7
35 LP
Esmeralda I
35 LP Janna Malzahar Lux
#7,663 Summoner Icon ElNobapeek 22 20
66 LP
Diamante IV
66 LP
#7,665 Summoner Icon The Lived 19 23
66 LP
Diamante IV
66 LP
#7,667 Summoner Icon UyyKheHD 100 95
66 LP
Diamante IV
66 LP Caitlyn
#7,668 Summoner Icon Adlër 4 2
66 LP
Diamante IV
66 LP
#7,670 Summoner Icon Tu Profe 123 121
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,671 Summoner Icon unfor 28 23
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,673 Summoner Icon awwwwwwwwwwwwwww 72 71
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP Nilah
#7,674 Summoner Icon ºĘKKO LE CUAº 24 15
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,675 Summoner Icon Lucky Merge 63 60
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,677 Summoner Icon Akster 181 175
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,678 Summoner Icon Jörmungandr 59 62
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,679 Summoner Icon Hi im 56 55
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,680 Summoner Icon shy 120 120
65 LP
Diamante IV
65 LP
#7,681 Summoner Icon BlackAndrew 47 43
32 LP
Esmeralda I
32 LP
#7,681 Summoner Icon MajonyThomas 18 24
13 LP
Diamante III
13 LP
#7,682 Summoner Icon Vaî 14 20
64 LP
Diamante IV
64 LP Fizz
#7,684 Summoner Icon Kenaur Games 63 71
64 LP
Diamante IV
64 LP
#7,685 Summoner Icon iTunaz 91 81
64 LP
Diamante IV
64 LP
#7,686 Summoner Icon badfacesara 10 10
64 LP
Diamante IV
64 LP