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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Tablas de clasificación América Latina Norte

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#1,062 Summoner Icon Sfizz 35 22
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP Fizz
#1,063 Summoner Icon Sentryd 19 21
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP
#1,064 Summoner Icon XtremeWiped 24 13
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP
#1,065 Summoner Icon JMillø 25 11
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP
#1,066 Summoner Icon iPapiTroll 26 16
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP
#1,067 Summoner Icon Alaicos 16 20
37 LP
Diamante II
37 LP
#1,069 Summoner Icon Acereje AdC 11 7
36 LP
Diamante II
36 LP Diana Xin Zhao
#1,070 Summoner Icon geckko7 36 47
36 LP
Diamante II
36 LP
#1,071 Summoner Icon Zenthxt 32 41
51 LP
Diamante II
51 LP
#1,072 Summoner Icon OnlyFools Runay 13 9
85 LP
Diamante II
85 LP
#1,073 Summoner Icon ElPery 63 50
45 LP
Diamante I
45 LP Sylas
#1,074 Summoner Icon ridi 24 24
35 LP
Diamante II
35 LP Wukong
#1,075 Summoner Icon Sally Walker 18 11
79 LP
Diamante I
79 LP
#1,076 Summoner Icon Chocotorro え 29 40
35 LP
Diamante II
35 LP
#1,078 Summoner Icon Lamb of God 26 40
78 LP
Diamante III
78 LP Yuumi
#1,079 Summoner Icon Arcane Hetio 15 19
34 LP
Diamante II
34 LP
#1,080 Summoner Icon Zagoneitor 34 26
33 LP
Diamante II
33 LP
#1,081 Summoner Icon Souls 51 53
33 LP
Diamante II
33 LP
#1,082 Summoner Icon Barry B Benson 26 20
32 LP
Diamante II
32 LP Thresh Leona Nautilus
#1,083 Summoner Icon Sowd 11 8
32 LP
Diamante II
32 LP