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Tablas de clasificación América Latina Norte

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#36,503 Summoner Icon Sthywrd 0w0 TGIF 14 16
71 LP
Plata IV
71 LP
#36,504 Summoner Icon carlen20 11 9
71 LP
Plata IV
71 LP Viego
#36,508 Summoner Icon WalterIsaaÇ 30 29
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,511 Summoner Icon D1LOVER 12 22
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,514 Summoner Icon THE SILENT KING 32 36
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,515 Summoner Icon Ðanny Phantom 41 50
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,516 Summoner Icon Bot Zoe 30 39
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,517 Summoner Icon Sparklyflame4111 15 14
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP Maestro Yi
#36,520 Summoner Icon BrandSanti 155 142
7 LP
Plata I
7 LP
#36,521 Summoner Icon zekima 6 3
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,522 Summoner Icon Dionisio201 12 11
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP Tahm Kench
#36,524 Summoner Icon ANDRES RIVEN 6 8
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,526 Summoner Icon larryplones 11 11
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,535 Summoner Icon Çheesus 20 22
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,538 Summoner Icon CevichitoDeNoxus 34 26
70 LP
Plata IV
70 LP
#36,546 Summoner Icon AccioGames 17 12
69 LP
Plata IV
69 LP
#36,547 Summoner Icon Deidrus 23 32
69 LP
Plata IV
69 LP
#36,552 Summoner Icon RLY Chamo 23 26
69 LP
Plata IV
69 LP
#36,557 Summoner Icon HidrozGames0 74 68
69 LP
Plata IV
69 LP
#36,558 Summoner Icon Dios 4 5
69 LP
Plata IV
69 LP