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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#60,823 Summoner Icon K0MAp 31 43
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP K'Sante
#60,825 Summoner Icon Τraumatized 41 47
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,826 Summoner Icon StopKitingImFat 47 38
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,827 Summoner Icon Paradox2324 66 52
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,828 Summoner Icon Drugmeplz 7 17
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP Nocturne
#60,829 Summoner Icon Ladros 51 42
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,830 Summoner Icon Allemacher 154 164
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,831 Summoner Icon PVM Genja 44 39
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,832 Summoner Icon TiTi2SkY 162 169
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,833 Summoner Icon Koło zamachowe 98 119
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,834 Summoner Icon Le Mali Malin 126 105
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP Tahm Kench
#60,838 Summoner Icon Déks 9 9
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP Vayne
#60,839 Summoner Icon Hide On Grass1 84 69
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,842 Summoner Icon Sensational 171 162
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP Kai'Sa
#60,843 Summoner Icon Throat Destroyer 4 4
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,844 Summoner Icon TNTeshka 29 27
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP Syndra
#60,845 Summoner Icon Nexbro 23 17
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,847 Summoner Icon KurrwaBread 46 48
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,848 Summoner Icon godfather of top 144 157
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP
#60,849 Summoner Icon Hou Max 14 25
55 LP
Platino IV
55 LP