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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#57,102 Summoner Icon Mister Mee6 28 21
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,105 Summoner Icon Hellphen 116 113
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,107 Summoner Icon DXG PacHuLip 42 40
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,108 Summoner Icon insul7 152 129
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,110 Summoner Icon Nykou 3 3
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,111 Summoner Icon Lord Gwent 20 25
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,112 Summoner Icon SikFaan1 15 15
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,114 Summoner Icon xileeefff 17 18
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,115 Summoner Icon ikill567 2 6
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,116 Summoner Icon jeandean1 19 16
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,117 Summoner Icon L abbé carry 27 24
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,118 Summoner Icon Be Silent Pls 3 2
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,121 Summoner Icon Olaller 53 46
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,122 Summoner Icon Teriyaki 愛 Sauce 159 154
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP Veigar
#57,123 Summoner Icon GonkieGonk 8 17
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,124 Summoner Icon JoniBærchen 60 59
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,125 Summoner Icon wasting my life 6 3
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,130 Summoner Icon POKIMANEFAN69 27 16
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP Hwei
#57,132 Summoner Icon Renght 9 11
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP
#57,135 Summoner Icon L bozo 9 11
79 LP
Platino IV
79 LP