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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#55,601 Summoner Icon Bão 176 163
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,604 Summoner Icon Hammertanz 77 71
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP Trundle Sejuani Galio Malphite Maestro Yi
#55,605 Summoner Icon Grospapa 127 118
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,607 Summoner Icon FragsMedics 27 22
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,608 Summoner Icon Johny 8 10
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP Diana
#55,610 Summoner Icon The yogi 129 141
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP Lee Sin
#55,617 Summoner Icon RDJ TONY STARK 120 111
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,619 Summoner Icon Henroy 43 46
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,620 Summoner Icon Peäanta Patrick 45 48
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,622 Summoner Icon Baumi 36 31
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,623 Summoner Icon FrozenFantasy 72 65
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,624 Summoner Icon Flame Girl 16 19
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,625 Summoner Icon DerSpecken 55 62
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,626 Summoner Icon CrucksLine 26 43
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,628 Summoner Icon Valjester 2 4
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,629 Summoner Icon Schkinbuzz 54 57
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,630 Summoner Icon RiffsRomero 93 104
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,631 Summoner Icon A D Träger 56 61
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP Lux
#55,634 Summoner Icon Katalenia 8 7
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP
#55,642 Summoner Icon عبدالرحمان 615 618
90 LP
Platino IV
90 LP