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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#52,221 Summoner Icon Le Minou Volant 38 40
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP
#52,222 Summoner Icon Hagar Puissant 25 28
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Braum
#52,223 Summoner Icon kunai sus 22 16
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP
#52,224 Summoner Icon BabyYoda To op 11 10
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP
#52,226 Summoner Icon Dat Boi Henke 93 103
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Katarina
#52,228 Summoner Icon Aćun 92 87
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Lillia Teemo Corki
#52,229 Summoner Icon SlashShadow 104 95
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Zed
#52,231 Summoner Icon Føst 108 76
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Heimerdinger Taliyah Diana
#52,233 Summoner Icon AFK Jocker 38 39
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Kayle
#52,235 Summoner Icon end it pls 19 17
82 LP
Platino III
82 LP
#52,236 Summoner Icon Yung Carnaca 112 115
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Yasuo Ezreal
#52,237 Summoner Icon KRALLENn 21 25
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Ekko
#52,238 Summoner Icon Los Reyes Bromos 15 14
41 LP
Platino IV
41 LP Caitlyn
#52,239 Summoner Icon G4M3RPJ 26 22
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Caitlyn
#52,241 Summoner Icon EmoChaya 93 72
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Ahri
#52,242 Summoner Icon Arathon 25 17
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP
#52,245 Summoner Icon leeoo 8 7
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Galio K'Sante
#52,246 Summoner Icon GhaZphaR 94 102
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Jhin Yone Lillia Ezreal Aphelios
#52,247 Summoner Icon bibileki 48 34
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP Anivia
#52,251 Summoner Icon Eggs Of RaVeN 32 42
39 LP
Platino IV
39 LP