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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#4,243 Summoner Icon MetaQuick 7 8
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP Shen
#4,244 Summoner Icon Chad Mid 25 19
79 LP
Diamante II
79 LP
#4,245 Summoner Icon Professor Poop 28 27
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP
#4,247 Summoner Icon Wyzz 5 3
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP
#4,249 Summoner Icon Poopah scoopah 59 35
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP
#4,250 Summoner Icon Dieuthintis 137 159
28 LP
Esmeralda III
28 LP Brand Draven Mel Lulu
#4,251 Summoner Icon 雪花飘飘 北风萧萧 14 10
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP Yasuo
#4,252 Summoner Icon LegacyoftheVoid 20 23
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP
#4,253 Summoner Icon Leagueofdeclimb 33 25
1 LP
Diamante IV
1 LP
#4,254 Summoner Icon just pykeotp 9 9
25 LP
Diamante IV
25 LP
#4,257 Summoner Icon AAHC Tortu 80 79
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP Malphite Lulu Rakan
#4,258 Summoner Icon LeoLePlow 13 8
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,259 Summoner Icon P DDang 50 55
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,260 Summoner Icon midyassuo 38 37
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,261 Summoner Icon Yune 42 31
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,264 Summoner Icon Gotana 28 18
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,265 Summoner Icon xXPanthowXx 13 20
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP
#4,266 Summoner Icon ŘΞf OßITΩζh 24 26
12 LP
Diamante IV
12 LP Warwick Renekton Caitlyn Sett Cassiopeia
#4,267 Summoner Icon G2 GDobrev 56 60
47 LP
Esmeralda II
47 LP
#4,269 Summoner Icon Ready To Improve 26 23
0 LP
Diamante IV
0 LP