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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#37,642 Summoner Icon Technokürbis 2 12
75 LP
Platino III
75 LP
#37,649 Summoner Icon SoziHD 77 86
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,650 Summoner Icon Bururemon 22 22
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,651 Summoner Icon NeyyNeyy 7 7
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,656 Summoner Icon Fältmarskalken 90 103
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,657 Summoner Icon Falsefitt 4 8
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,658 Summoner Icon 桌角战神 12 8
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,659 Summoner Icon And3rzen 94 81
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,660 Summoner Icon ketor 98 71
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,661 Summoner Icon Sovani 47 42
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,662 Summoner Icon Belíar 55 56
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,664 Summoner Icon xero0x 285 280
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP Caitlyn Viktor Malzahar
#37,666 Summoner Icon sChar 61 61
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,667 Summoner Icon Vigh 6 5
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,670 Summoner Icon nexus of death 8 10
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,673 Summoner Icon Aikatsuyuri 18 18
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,674 Summoner Icon The Struggłer 99 84
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP Jayce
#37,675 Summoner Icon GuiCeKuangMou 4 6
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP
#37,676 Summoner Icon Salineitor0086 43 30
27 LP
Platino II
27 LP
#37,677 Summoner Icon xlode 56 54
42 LP
Platino II
42 LP