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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#28,101 Summoner Icon PEPPEIPOMPA 22 20
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,102 Summoner Icon yolimpiomifusil 45 55
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,103 Summoner Icon ItzB3st 0 7
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,105 Summoner Icon TProtej0 5 10
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,106 Summoner Icon santazwo 37 41
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,107 Summoner Icon SarouMannekenPis 20 16
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,108 Summoner Icon MisterDargon 11 12
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,109 Summoner Icon R3dShadowHD 28 31
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP Volibear
#28,110 Summoner Icon pixonius 60 56
80 LP
Bronce IV
80 LP Kindred
#28,111 Summoner Icon Gaelllyx 18 17
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,112 Summoner Icon Syne3 7 12
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,113 Summoner Icon Sats 25 30
88 LP
Bronce IV
88 LP
#28,116 Summoner Icon MinecraftMoab 6 10
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP
#28,119 Summoner Icon SłodkaAlicja 97 95
65 LP
Bronce IV
65 LP
#28,120 Summoner Icon perceval813 30 28
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP Illaoi Urgot
#28,124 Summoner Icon VanillaGorilla 20 15
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP
#28,125 Summoner Icon Scared of women 41 39
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP
#28,126 Summoner Icon luxobscuria 6 4
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP
#28,128 Summoner Icon krxkxen 6 4
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP
#28,129 Summoner Icon Gokunigt 16 8
87 LP
Bronce IV
87 LP Aatrox