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Tablas de clasificación Europa Occidental

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#20,641 Summoner Icon cmzmqbm 6 12
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,642 Summoner Icon Skâiii 8 3
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP Zyra
#20,643 Summoner Icon Chaosodin 91 85
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,645 Summoner Icon Jeyserik 5 5
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,647 Summoner Icon The Unforgiven 55 48
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,649 Summoner Icon Làrsóns1412 75 51
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP Ahri
#20,651 Summoner Icon DSVLJ Falco 48 42
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,652 Summoner Icon OtMeTa 90 79
43 LP
Diamante IV
43 LP
#20,653 Summoner Icon Get Manhandled 33 28
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,654 Summoner Icon ProfJoker 88 78
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP Ziggs
#20,655 Summoner Icon diskino 62 41
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,656 Summoner Icon KHYLI RAVIOLI 14 13
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,657 Summoner Icon iduos 139 119
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,658 Summoner Icon HasanPyker 56 55
48 LP
Diamante IV
48 LP Swain
#20,661 Summoner Icon its so so cold 3 2
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,662 Summoner Icon CoinFliplas 36 28
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,663 Summoner Icon ShuKee 45 30
75 LP
Esmeralda I
75 LP
#20,663 Summoner Icon Lauritz 38 43
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP
#20,664 Summoner Icon True knife 138 128
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP Bel'Veth
#20,666 Summoner Icon narMazyk 32 21
42 LP
Diamante IV
42 LP