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Tablas de clasificación Europa Norte y Este

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#168,781 Summoner Icon Kali 3 2
97 LP
Bronce I
97 LP Swain Viktor
#168,782 Summoner Icon NKNF Shydon 6 6
6 LP
Plata IV
6 LP
#168,784 Summoner Icon Rafa84 5 10
6 LP
Plata IV
6 LP
#168,785 Summoner Icon broubroulithra 27 6
6 LP
Plata IV
6 LP
#168,787 Summoner Icon VoGlíK 24 26
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,788 Summoner Icon Daigrinnius 13 9
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,789 Summoner Icon PashyKomandos 147 152
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,790 Summoner Icon daria3011 12 14
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,791 Summoner Icon Lucifér 3 17
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,793 Summoner Icon SuperstarRAWR 5 9
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,794 Summoner Icon GGD Arron 16 19
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,795 Summoner Icon Snikers 9 7
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,797 Summoner Icon hubson488 16 14
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,798 Summoner Icon The onetrick god 38 42
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,799 Summoner Icon Pookie bear 34 48
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,802 Summoner Icon Ilyrea 5 9
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,805 Summoner Icon Hartnack 20 17
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,806 Summoner Icon BuskiDuski 14 10
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP
#168,810 Summoner Icon SEFIQ 19 22
5 LP
Plata IV
5 LP Swain Briar
#168,811 Summoner Icon Mou92 10 6
15 LP
Bronce IV
15 LP