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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Tablas de clasificación Europa Norte y Este

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#4,121 Summoner Icon DrExperienc 28 26
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP Lux
#4,122 Summoner Icon VojtikJedeBomby 5 5
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP
#4,123 Summoner Icon AizeИ 17 13
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP
#4,124 Summoner Icon MadmazelCherry 5 5
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP
#4,125 Summoner Icon UptonuR 39 36
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP
#4,126 Summoner Icon Walgok 26 26
37 LP
Platino II
37 LP
#4,127 Summoner Icon hitmancek 23 11
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP
#4,128 Summoner Icon Wilk zły spoko 34 39
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP
#4,129 Summoner Icon ayyo 15 11
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Diana Kha'Zix
#4,130 Summoner Icon Nurduriel 21 21
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Veigar
#4,131 Summoner Icon Ov3eR 55 34
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP
#4,132 Summoner Icon Shendyr Shirax 5 6
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Tryndamere Ekko Viktor
#4,133 Summoner Icon kamychaxD 31 34
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Lulu
#4,134 Summoner Icon ElkaLukas 10 10
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP
#4,135 Summoner Icon Golqmiq Mrasnik 86 82
21 LP
Platino III
21 LP Akali
#4,136 Summoner Icon D34TH TO BLAX 30 35
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Lulu
#4,137 Summoner Icon Midnight Silver 13 17
36 LP
Platino I
36 LP
#4,138 Summoner Icon FEAAR 39 33
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Janna Xerath
#4,139 Summoner Icon roni8750 28 25
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Wukong
#4,140 Summoner Icon 달 성소 62 51
36 LP
Platino II
36 LP Trundle Lulu