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Tablas de clasificación Europa Norte y Este

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#3,981 Summoner Icon smolanim 66 52
64 LP
Diamante I
64 LP
#3,982 Summoner Icon DirectX86rus 67 64
64 LP
Diamante I
64 LP
#3,985 Summoner Icon Majjkel 46 42
64 LP
Diamante I
64 LP
#3,986 Summoner Icon pyke SLaYeR 26 17
64 LP
Diamante I
64 LP
#3,987 Summoner Icon Lary 4 2
69 LP
Esmeralda I
69 LP
#3,988 Summoner Icon iDieZ 65 66
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP Ezreal
#3,988 Summoner Icon JAMIEST 27 33
68 LP
Esmeralda III
68 LP
#3,989 Summoner Icon 4MMC4Life 59 60
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,990 Summoner Icon Asheborn 30 21
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,991 Summoner Icon Emac 127 99
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,993 Summoner Icon twtv mammon 30 23
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,994 Summoner Icon KostisPouTaKazia 40 28
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,995 Summoner Icon RG Kap 29 17
63 LP
Diamante I
63 LP
#3,996 Summoner Icon Prumyslova 66 46
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#3,997 Summoner Icon Mullet 13 6
11 LP
Diamante II
11 LP Maokai
#3,998 Summoner Icon Leo098 91 79
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#3,999 Summoner Icon Lolo Bot 38 30
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#4,000 Summoner Icon jeffrey the bill 68 47
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#4,001 Summoner Icon SOBRANIE 54 45
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP
#4,003 Summoner Icon 4NATTY ÁLDOZATA 150 128
62 LP
Diamante I
62 LP Pantheon