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© 2014-2025 LoLProfile. LoLProfile Isn't Endorsed By Riot Games And Its Affiliates.



Tablas de clasificación Europa Norte y Este

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#3,681 Summoner Icon Celentano MGS 56 56
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,685 Summoner Icon TTVdinocampara 176 168
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,688 Summoner Icon Enzzy 72 56
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Nidalee
#3,689 Summoner Icon Occisor Deos 81 80
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,692 Summoner Icon Zireael 23 10
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,693 Summoner Icon janna panties 59 53
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,695 Summoner Icon MedoZooM 72 56
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,696 Summoner Icon Iceman The Beast 10 12
23 LP
Esmeralda I
23 LP
#3,696 Summoner Icon Skurliremastered 28 21
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,697 Summoner Icon Pales 30 20
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,699 Summoner Icon Dewritos 20 17
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,700 Summoner Icon lolYonete 88 70
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,701 Summoner Icon Harvey Specter 39 41
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,702 Summoner Icon AreYaShacked 42 37
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,704 Summoner Icon PelotaValla 71 71
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,705 Summoner Icon RemigiuszK 82 66
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,706 Summoner Icon mariusSMECHERUL 57 49
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,707 Summoner Icon princess olusia 27 11
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP Lulu Yuumi
#3,708 Summoner Icon Cross 81 73
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP
#3,709 Summoner Icon GATES OF OLYMPUS 84 46
75 LP
Diamante I
75 LP