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Tablas de clasificación Brasil

Rango Invocador Victorias Derrotas Nivel / División Puntos Campeones
#2,441 Summoner Icon Cachaça de Jambu 5 6
75 LP
Diamante IV
75 LP
#2,442 Summoner Icon mvrk 26 23
75 LP
Diamante IV
75 LP
#2,443 Summoner Icon KRL É O JEFF 32 12
74 LP
Diamante IV
74 LP
#2,445 Summoner Icon Primobolan 29 39
73 LP
Diamante IV
73 LP Thresh
#2,447 Summoner Icon Sαlieri 28 38
73 LP
Diamante IV
73 LP Xin Zhao Vladimir
#2,448 Summoner Icon Mzr 17 19
73 LP
Diamante IV
73 LP
#2,449 Summoner Icon profvitorsoares 16 29
72 LP
Diamante IV
72 LP
#2,451 Summoner Icon Sworksaar 55 41
6 LP
Diamante IV
6 LP
#2,452 Summoner Icon Nanarys 111 86
71 LP
Diamante IV
71 LP
#2,454 Summoner Icon Juniorri 12 16
70 LP
Diamante IV
70 LP
#2,455 Summoner Icon SSolo Leving 36 47
70 LP
Diamante IV
70 LP Aatrox K'Sante
#2,459 Summoner Icon KRD 73 52
70 LP
Diamante IV
70 LP
#2,460 Summoner Icon Vislumbre 51 46
70 LP
Diamante IV
70 LP Yone
#2,462 Summoner Icon Luix 18 20
69 LP
Diamante IV
69 LP
#2,463 Summoner Icon Fivee 46 47
32 LP
Diamante IV
32 LP
#2,464 Summoner Icon é o guguinha 10 11
68 LP
Diamante IV
68 LP
#2,467 Summoner Icon Pinbel2 27 28
68 LP
Diamante IV
68 LP
#2,468 Summoner Icon Hashashin 30 22
68 LP
Diamante IV
68 LP
#2,473 Summoner Icon piru torto 13 11
75 LP
Esmeralda I
75 LP
#2,475 Summoner Icon The Dreaming 26 23
66 LP
Diamante IV
66 LP