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Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#387 Summoner Icon MerlinShaco 70 68
75 LP
Diamant I
75 LP
#392 Summoner Icon 神仙姐姐 96 96
90 LP
Diamant II
90 LP
#408 Summoner Icon Lovell 61 70
62 LP
Diamant II
62 LP
#410 Summoner Icon Huỳnh Huỳnh 49 62
55 LP
Diamant I
55 LP
#412 Summoner Icon BiinKcY 71 50
527 LP
Herausforderer I
527 LP Darius
#416 Summoner Icon GH Mikasa 35 34
53 LP
Diamant I
53 LP
#421 Summoner Icon boobi 22 11
96 LP
Diamant I
96 LP
#424 Summoner Icon Lê Công Tuấn 98 85
46 LP
Diamant I
46 LP
#428 Summoner Icon Cô Ca Pép Xi 65 68
45 LP
Diamant I
45 LP
#432 Summoner Icon star of hope 20 18
39 LP
Diamant I
39 LP
#439 Summoner Icon ißynn 112 140
47 LP
Diamant IV
47 LP
#441 Summoner Icon iNiT 26 30
30 LP
Diamant I
30 LP
#456 Summoner Icon ĐờiTraiLênhĐênh 99 95
19 LP
Diamant I
19 LP
#459 Summoner Icon MinhBesoo 90 68
17 LP
Diamant I
17 LP
#463 Summoner Icon Phanh Hay Quạo 28 32
14 LP
Diamant I
14 LP
#465 Summoner Icon Greg Hsu 36 41
13 LP
Diamant I
13 LP
#481 Summoner Icon Quá Đã 21 14
0 LP
Diamant I
0 LP
#492 Summoner Icon A P O L O 1 83 82
105 LP
Meister I
105 LP
#499 Summoner Icon haovg123 94 98
55 LP
Diamant I
55 LP
#500 Summoner Icon HLE Zeus 88 106
56 LP
Diamant II
56 LP