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Bestenlisten Türkei

Rang Beschwörer Siege Niederlagen Tier / Division Punkte Champions
#3,741 Summoner Icon zzz kiting 26 14
19 LP
Platin IV
19 LP
#3,745 Summoner Icon M1xOpSSy 28 24
18 LP
Platin IV
18 LP
#3,747 Summoner Icon BLOAD35 33 26
17 LP
Platin IV
17 LP
#3,749 Summoner Icon luka 23 19
63 LP
Platin III
63 LP Cho'Gath
#3,751 Summoner Icon JrElySioN 7 5
17 LP
Platin IV
17 LP
#3,752 Summoner Icon The Unstoppable 37 28
17 LP
Platin IV
17 LP Amumu Lee Sin
#3,755 Summoner Icon Jackie JHiN 3 7
16 LP
Platin IV
16 LP
#3,757 Summoner Icon justbriar 62 66
16 LP
Platin IV
16 LP
#3,758 Summoner Icon John Lacklandd 48 45
16 LP
Platin IV
16 LP Brand
#3,759 Summoner Icon Exrevival 24 21
0 LP
Platin IV
0 LP Briar Dr. Mundo Varus Blitzcrank Jinx
#3,760 Summoner Icon BBÇ 41 32
16 LP
Platin IV
16 LP
#3,761 Summoner Icon TaytYırtan31 15 18
15 LP
Platin IV
15 LP Lee Sin
#3,762 Summoner Icon MET 40 31
16 LP
Platin IV
16 LP
#3,763 Summoner Icon KRAL BF 22 15
15 LP
Platin IV
15 LP Ezreal
#3,764 Summoner Icon Pristine 21 11
15 LP
Platin IV
15 LP Evelynn
#3,765 Summoner Icon WhateverGg 23 20
14 LP
Platin IV
14 LP Nocturne Aurora Senna
#3,766 Summoner Icon SAMO EL CHAVO 29 20
14 LP
Platin IV
14 LP Twitch
#3,767 Summoner Icon Elonda OFFROLE 11 15
14 LP
Platin IV
14 LP
#3,768 Summoner Icon Mai Sakurajima 7 5
13 LP
Platin IV
13 LP Ahri
#3,769 Summoner Icon huriscer 60 70
13 LP
Platin IV
13 LP Lucian Jhin Smolder